
The Olympic Sprots & Art Painting LeRoy Neiman Aegean Sailing

Wooden palette before use?

Because wooden palette of oil absorption and painting by LeRoy Neiman, so must be special treatment before use.

Method one: scraping gum. Shave gel is the most direct approach, but there is no matter animal glue or white latex, moisture, single scraping gum could make crimped board, so I need the positive scraping gum at the same time. The glue used by the thicker the better, not against the water. At the same time pay attention to waterproof. Due to the soluble glue, scraping gum processing palette is afraid of water, wet water parts easy to bleach. If that happens, don't rush to wipe, after the natural dry or dry will bounce back.
Method 2: oil. This is a more traditional processing methods. Specific practice is: on the palette inunction cooked oil repeatedly, until the palette no longer oil absorption. Blade palette with oil dry or use sand paper to grind, leveling the cloth dips in raw linseed oil or walnut oil on board face brush can be used again. Simple unction method is direct brush again on new palette linseed oil, cloth and then rub repeatedly, the palette is no oil leakage.

Method 3: the palette with varnish or tung oil brush again, can only use side brush.

Method 4: shoe polish. Colorless multifunctional shoe polish besmear is on the palette, let board absorb the first, reoccupy cloth like shoeshine will polish palette. Note that after coated with shoe polish, residence time not too long, in case the shoe polish after working is not easy to erase. Can brush a few times more, until the board face shine. Only use one side of the can.

Method 5: wax. Put wax or paraffin in metal containers (e.g., cans boxes), after heated to melt, apply on the palette, and then roasted, infiltration of the wax liquid board, finally a cloth to wipe. This kind of treatment the palette of bright, waterproof, not greasy, wood color quality is good. LeRoy Neiman Aegean Sailing is popular and hot sale now!

Processing palette method are many, as long as can make the palette is not oil absorption all can use. Sold on the market the high quality of palette is usually handled, can be used directly.

